APC UPS control system manual Del, Clear

Models: UPS control system

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pShutdown grace delay, seconds

q Low battery warning, minutes

r Wakeup delay (time) - seconds


uUpper transfer voltage

tMeasure-UPS: ambient tempera- ture (degrees C)

xLast battery change

y Copyright notice

zReset the EEPROM to factory settings (but not ident or batt

replacement date) Not on Smar- tUPS v/s or BackUPS Pro

+Capability cycle

- Capability cycle


Shutdown (after delay ’p’) with


delayed wakeup of nnn tenths of


an hour (after ’r’ time)


Abort shutdown - use to abort @,


S, K—K



˜Register #1

’ Register #2

0 Battery constant



6 ???

Default “020” (020/180/300/600)

Default “02”

Default “000” (000/060/180/300)

“H” - highest, “M” - medium, “L”

-lowest, “A” - autoadjust (Matrix only)

Default “132” or “253” in Europe “nn.nn”

Eight characters. Varies typically dd/mm/yy - 31/12/99

“(C) APCC” - only works if firmware letter (from “V”) is later than O


Cycle forward through possible values (“—” from UPS afterward to confirm change). Do not use this unless you know how to pro- gram your UPS EEPROM or you may damage your UPS.

Cycle backward through possible values (“—” from UPS afterward to confirm change)Do not use this unless you know how to program your UPS EEPROM or you may damage your UPS.

Matrix/3rd gen UPS: “OK”, oth- ers “*”


See below See below

Set to A0 on SmartUPS 1000 with new battery

Prints 35 on SmartUPS 1000 Prints EF on SmartUPS 1000 Prints F9 on SmartUPS 1000


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Image 192
APC UPS control system manual Del, Clear