APC UPS control system manual Apcupsd User’s Manual Release Notes, New Features

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Apcupsd User’s Manual

Release Notes

This release contains a good number of cleanups and bug fixes to prior 3.10.x versions, and is intended to be the official release. See the ChangeLog below for more details.

New Features

-Implement USB on all *BSD systems. Note, the kernel drivers on most of these systems are still fragile. There are known problems, for example, on FreeBSD.

-Fix killpower on USB UPSes to properly turn off UPS.

-More killpower fixes for BackUPS Pros.

-Fix killpower sequence for serial UPSes.

Change Log for current version

----> Release 3.10.17 xxMar05

-Update default apcupsd.conf to recommend a blank DEVICE setting for USB driver.

-Add /dev/hiddev? to Linux USB driver device node search path.

-Add Mac OS X startup script

-Add new *BSD USB driver to support USB UPSes on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD. THIS DRIVER IS BETA SOFTWARE AND HAS A KNOWN LOCKUP ISSUE ON FREEBSD. Please keep this in mind when deciding whether or not to deploy it. PLEASE READ THE "CHECKING OUT YOUR USB SUBSYSTEM (BSD)" SECTION OF THE MANUAL as it contains crucial details on how to configure your system for the new driver.

-Add BackUPS Pro shutdown code to USB driver

-Prefer BackUPS style shutdown over SmartUPS in USB driver to resolve shutdown issues on BackUPS CS models

-Restructure USB driver to share common code

-Fix slave mode segfault bug introduced by --killpower fixes in 3.10.16.

-Commit kernstodo

-Added an anonymous patch to powerflute.c and to the slack-apcupsd.in file.

-Add Whitebox to detected systems.

-Minor tweak to RedHat spec.in

-Apply Carl Lindbergs patch

for apcaction.c to fix the network management card shutdown.

-Fix typo in targets.mak that prevents uninstall from working.

-Change name of thread_terminate to apc_thread_terminate to avoid conflict on AIX.

-Put configure found SHUTDOWN in apccontrol.in

-Figured out how to scale the pdf images, so re-did them.

-Some minor updates to the manual, particularly the title


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APC UPS control system manual Apcupsd User’s Manual Release Notes, New Features, Change Log for current version