APC UPS control system manual Support for Snmp UPSes, Connecting an Snmp UPS

Models: UPS control system

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a serial port card for it, or perhaps use a USB UPS. To ensure that it is properly shutdown if Computer A goes down, you could run a second copy of apcupsd on Computer B as a slave connected to the main copy of apcupsd on Computer A. Thus Computer B would be running two slaves, one driven by the master controlling UPS 1 and the other by the master controlling UPS 2, and Computer B could be shutdown by the first master that signaled it to do so.

Support for SNMP UPSes

snmp To run apcupsd with an SNMP UPS, you need the following things:

An SNMP UPS, for example a Web/SNMP card installed into the SmartSlot.

apcupsd version 3.10.0 or higher

Net-SNMPlibrary (previously known as ucd-snmp) installed

Connecting an SNMP UPS

The Simple Network Management Protocol provides an interface to con- nect to remote devices through the network. apcupsd is now capable of using the SNMP interface of an SNMP-enabled UPS to communicate with an UPS. Currently apcupsd supports only APC’s PowerNet MIB. To en- able the SNMP support it is enough to configure the correct device in your apcupsd.conf configuration file. The directive needed for this configuration is:


where the directive is made by four parts:

IP address of the remote UPS

Remote SNMP port

Kind of remote SNMP agent, currently can only be “APC” for APC’s powernet MIB


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APC UPS control system manual Support for Snmp UPSes, Connecting an Snmp UPS