Using apctest on Serial-Line UPSses
On an apcsmart serial-line UPS, apctest will give you access to the battery
of low-level tests we described in apctest. If you have a voltage-signalling
UPS, it enables a different test repertoire which is described here, Among
other things, if you are uncertain about what kind of cable you have, you
may be able to use apctest to figure that out.
Shutdown apcupsd if it is running. Make sure your
/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf file has UPSTYPE backups and UP-
SCABLE simple Normally apctest will have been built and installed by
default, otherwise, you can explicitly build it on Unix with:
cd <apcupsd-source-directory>
make apctest
on Win32 systems, use:
make apctestwin32
It will present you with the following output
2001-02-07 04:08:26 apctest 3.8.5 (3 January 2002) redhat
Checking configuration ...
sharenet.type = DISABLE
cable.type = CUSTOM_SIMPLE
mode.type = BK
Setting up serial port ...
Creating serial port lock file ...
Doing prep_serial() ...
Hello, this is the apcupsd Cable Test program.
This part of apctest is for testing dumb UPSes (ones that uses signaling rather than commands.
Most tests enter a loop polling every second for 10 seconds.
Then it will present you with the following list of choices:
1) Test 1 - normal mode
2) Test 2 - no cable