APC UPS control system manual Configuration Directives used to Control System Logging

Models: UPS control system

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the slaves to perform a shutdown then apcupsd will sleep for 30 sec- onds before issuing the shutdown of its own computer. If you need the master to wait additional time before shutting down (to allow for shutdown of slower slaves or of slaves running software that requires more time to shutdown – e.g. databases), you can do so by adding additional sleep() commands to /etc/apcupsd/apccontrol in each case that causes a shutdown.

TIMEOUT, BATTERYLEVEL, and MINUTES can be set to- gether without problems. apcupsd will react to the first case or test that is valid. Normally SmartUPS users will set TIMEOUT to zero so that the system is shutdown depending on the percentage bat- tery charge remaining (BATTERYLEVEL) or the remaining bat- tery runtime (MINUTES).

KILLDELAY <time in seconds> If killdelay is set, apcupsd will con- tinue running after a shutdown has been requested, and after the spec- ified time in seconds, apcupsd will attempt to shut off the UPS the power. This directive should normally be disabled by setting the value to zero, but on some systems such as Win32 systems apcupsd cannot regain control after a shutdown to force the UPS to shut off the power. In this case, with proper consideration for the timing, the KILLDE- LAY directive can be useful. Please be aware, if you cause apcupsd to kill the power to your computer too early, the system and the disks may not have been properly prepared. In addition, apcupsd must con- tinue running after the shutdown is requested, and on Unix systems, this is not normally the case as the system will terminate all processes during the shutdown.

Configuration Directives used to Control System Logging

STATTIME<time> This directive supplies the time interval between writes to the STATUS file. If set to zero, the STATUS file will not be written. Please note that in a future version of apcupsd the STA- TUS file code will disappear since its functionality has been replaced by the Network Information Server and by apcaccess status, as a consequence, it is normally disabled by setting it to zero.

STATFILE <file> This directive specifies the file to be used

when writing the STATUS information. The default is /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.status.

DATATIME<time> This directives supplies the time interval between writes of PowerChute&tm; like data information to the log file. See


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APC UPS control system manual Configuration Directives used to Control System Logging