—sbindir=<path>This defines the directory for the executable files
such as apcupsd. The default is /sbin. You may be tempted to place
the executable files in /usr/sbin or /usr/local/sbin. Please use caution
here as these directories may be unmounted during a shutdown and
thus may preventthe halt script from calling apcupsd to turn off the
UPS power. Though your data will be protected, in this case, your
system will probably not be automatically rebooted when the p ower
—enable-powerflute This option enables the building of the powerflute
executable, which is a ncurses based program to monitor the UPS.
This program is not necessary for the proper execution of apcupsd.
—enable-cgi This enables the building of the CGI programs that permit
Web browseraccess to apcupsd data. This option is not necessary for
the proper execution of apcupsd.
—with-cgi-bin=<path>The with-cgi-bin configuration option allows
you to define the directory where the CGI programs will be installed.
The default is /etc/apcupsd, which is probably not what you want.
—with-css-dir=<path>This option allows you to specify where you
want apcupsd to put the Cascading Style Sheet that goes with the
multimoncss.cgi CGI program.
—enable-master-slave Turnson the master/slave networking code (de-
fault). This is sometimes referred to as the old master/slave code,
and is more complicated than using NIS and the net driver to control
Slaves (see below).
—enable-apcsmart Turns on generation of the APC Smart driver (de-
—enable-dumb Turns on generation of the dumb signalling driver code
—enable-usb Turns on generation of the Linux (only) USB driver code.
By default this is disabled.
—enable-net Turns on generation of the NIS network driver for slaves.
This is an alternative to old master/slave code. For the master, this
code should be disabled. Foreach slave, this is the only driver needed.
This driver works byreading the information from the the configured
master using the NIS (Network Information Services) interface.
—enable-snmp Turns on generation of the SNMP driver. This driver
will control the computer by reading the UPS information over the
network assuming you are running SNMP.By default this is disabled.