ted values that can be set in the EPROM. For information about chang-
ing these values, see the section on tuning EEPROM parameters (see
Configuring Your EEPROM).
A typical output from apcaccess eprom is:
Valid EPROM values for the SMART-UPS 1000
Config Current Permitted
Description Directive Value Values
Upper transfer voltage HITRANSFER 253 253 264 271 280
Lower transfer voltage LOTRANSFER 208 196 188 208 204
Return threshold RETURNCHARGE 15 00 15 50 90
Output voltage on batts OUTPUTVOLTS 230 230 240 220 225
Low battery warning LOWBATT 2 02 05 07 10
Shutdown grace delay SLEEP 180 020 180 300 600
Alarm delay BEEPSTATE T 0 T L N
Wakeup delay WAKEUP 60 000 060 180 300
Self test interval SELFTEST 336 336 168 ON OFF
Apcupsd Notification and Events
When a major event is generated within apcupsd, control is passed to the
script apccontrol normally found in /etc/apcupsd/apccontrol. The event
name, and a number of other important parameters are passed to the script.
The major function of the apccontrol script is to p erforma a shutdownof
the system (as well as the killpower operation). In addition, another major
task for this script is to notify you by email when certain events such as
powerfail occur.
Since apccontrol is a script, you can customize it to your own needs using
any text editor. To do so, you must have a minimal knowledge of Unix
shell programming. In addition, another feature is that you can write your
own scripts that will be automatically called by apccontrol before any of
its own code is executed. Details of the events and how to program them
are contained in the Advanced topics section entitled Customizing Event
Handling (see Customizing Event Handling).