APC UPS control system Apcupsd RPM Packaging FAQ, Acknowledgements, Answers, Edit it to read

Models: UPS control system

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The apcupsd has a rather long and tormented history. Many thanks to the guys that, with time, contributed to the general public knowledge.

Pavel Korensky <pavelk at dator3.anet.cz>, Andre M. Hedrick <hedrick at suse.de>, Christopher J. Reimer <reimer at doe.carleton.ca>, Kevin D. Smolkowski <kevins at trigger.oslc.org>, Werner Panocha <wpanocha at t-online.de>, Steven Freed, Russell Kroll.

additions by: Kern Sibbald <apcupsd-users at lists.sourceforge.net>

Apcupsd — RPM Packaging FAQ


How do I build Apcupsd for platform xxx? The apcupsd spec file contains defines to build for several platforms: RedHat 7.x (rh7), Red- Hat 8.0 (rh8), RedHat 9 (rh9), Fedora Core 1 (fc1), and Whitebox Enterprise Linux 3.0 (wb3). The package build is controlled by a define set at the beginning of the file. These defines basically just control the dependancy information that gets coded into the finished rpm package. So while you could technically build a package without defining a platform, or with an incorrect platform, and have it install and run it would not contain correct dependancy information for the rpm database. The platform define may be edited in the spec file di- rectly (by default all defines are set to 0 or “not set”). For example, to build the RedHat 7.x package find the line in the spec file which reads

%define rh7 0

and edit it to read

%define rh7 1

Alternately you may pass the define on the command line when calling rpmbuild:


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APC UPS control system manual Apcupsd RPM Packaging FAQ, Acknowledgements, Answers, Edit it to read