APC UPS control system manual Your apcupsd.conf file Apcaccess status

Models: UPS control system

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you to do this include one command-line utility (apcaccess) and a GUI you can use through a Web browser. You can also use apctest to tune some parameters of the UPS itself.


apcaccess is a program (normally found in /sbin/apcaccess) that permits you to print out the complete status of your UPS. Although there are a number of command line arguments (eprom, reconfig, status, slave, shutdown), all except eprom and status are under development and hence do not work reliably.

If you have built apcupsd with pthreads enabled (default), apcaccess will use the Network Information Server to obtain the necessary information for the status and eeprom commands. This is because in the pthreaded version, there is no IPC shared memory. In this case (pthreads enabled), you can specify a second optional argument to apcaccess in the form of host:port, where the :port is optional. The default is localhost:3551. Please note that in versions prior to 3.10.6, the default NIS port was 7000, so if you are mixing versions, you will need to take a lot of care to ensure that all components are using the same port.

To enable the apcupsd Network Information Server, which is normally the default, you set:



in your apcupsd.conf file.

apcaccess status:

As mentioned above, the full form of the command is:

apcaccess status localhost:3551

where only apcaccess status should normally be needed. localhost may be replaced by any machine name, fully qualified domain name, or IP address,


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APC UPS control system Your apcupsd.conf file Apcaccess status, As mentioned above, the full form of the command is