Waypoint Database

￿Sunrise/Sunset times

￿Waypoint comment

VOR Waypoint Information

￿Identifier, name, state, & country

￿Radial and distance from the VOR

￿Bearing and distance from present position


￿Operating frequency

￿Lat/Lon coordinates

￿Sunrise/Sunset time

￿Waypoint comment

NDB Waypoint Information

￿Identifier, name, state, & country

￿Bearing and distance from present position


￿Operating frequency

￿Lat/Lon coordinates

￿Sunrise/Sunset time

￿Waypoint comment

LOC-DME Waypoint Information

￿Identifier, name, & country

￿Bearing and distance from present position


￿Lat/Lon coordinates

￿Sunrise/sunset time

￿Waypoint comment

INT Waypoint Information

￿INT (K) - Continental USA Intersections

￿INT (O) - Other Americas Intersections

￿Name & country

￿Bearing and distance from present position

