


Flight Plan Comments

Flight Plan Functions

Enable Approach (GX50/60 Only)

This option is available on the Flight Plan home page when an approach is already loaded, but not enabled, and you are within approximately 30 nm of the destination airport. Press ENTER to enable the approach.

*Active* 56.1nm Dest Wpt: PDX Enable Approach?Disable Approach (GX50/60 Only)

This option is available on the Flight Plan home page when an approach is already loaded and enabled. Press ENTER to cancel the Approach Transition flight mode and return the GX50/60 to Terminal flight mode.

*Active* 56.1nm Dest Wpt: PDX Disable Appr?

Normal waypoint information about the destination waypoint can be viewed by pressing INFO when the Plan Name Page is displayed. This is the same as pressing INFO to view information about a TO waypoint, except that the Plan Comment page is available by turning the SMALL knob.

PDT AIRPORT Publicelev 1493ft

A flight plan comment page can be viewed and edited for each flight plan by pressing INFO when the Plan Name Page is displayed and the turning the LARGE knob.

If no plan comment has been entered, press SEL to create one.
