Getting Started

Getting Started

This section explains how to get started using your Apollo GX. Information in this section explains how to:

￿Select a waypoint￿Store waypoints￿Find a Nearest Waypoint￿Fly Direct-To a waypoint￿Create a flight plan￿Activate a flight plan￿Use the Moving Map

It is necessary to enter a seed position and the current time the first time you turn the unit on. This should have been done when your unit was installed. So, you won’t have to set it again unless the unit has been moved several hundred miles with the power off.

Power On Turn the Power knob clockwise to switch the unit on. The startup screen, testing, position, and database information shows on the display for several seconds and then will go into the Navigation function.

Select a




You can search for a waypoint character by character, sort through the database by selecting the first few characters of the identifier to simplify the search, or look at every waypoint in order. You can search for waypoints by identifier or the city/facility name.

Finding a waypoint by name

1.Press the DB smart key. Turn the LARGE knob to display the Access Database page. Press ENTER.

Access DatabasePress ENTER
