Approach Examples

Point C - Inbound between D1850 (ARC) and CF005 (APPR)

1.Flight plan sequencing will operate automatically for each of the remaining waypoints. You will receive arrival and next DTK messages as you cross each waypoint. Press MSG to view the message. Press MSG again to return to the previous display.

Point D - Between CF005 (APPR) to FF005 (FAF)

1.Note that the flight plan waypoints used as step-down fixes are depicted on the Jeppesen Approach Plate, but not on the NOS charts.

2.If you are using an NOS chart, you must identify the waypoints on the chart by looking at the distances between them on the vertical profile. You may want to view the Arc Assist page to show your distance relative to LJT.

3.As soon as FF005, the FAF becomes the active waypoint. The Approach Active light will begin flashing and the CDI will begin scaling to approach sensitivity, as you will be within 2 nm of the FAF when it becomes active.

4.As you cross FF005, verify that the Approach Active annunciator is lighted indicating that you may continue the approach.

Point E - Between FF005 (FAF) and MA005 (MAP)1.Continue to the Missed Approach Point (MA005).

2.Verify that the OBS/HLD and Approach Active annunciators are lighted. Flight plan waypoint sequencing will be placed on hold.
