Message Function

Messages The following is a summary of the conditions that cause a message warning, and examples of the messages generated for each condition.

Special Use Airspace Messages

Following is a list of the types of airspace messages which can be generated. All of the airspace messages become old messages after they are viewed. The Airspace Messages are unique in Message Mode in that they are the only messages which the INFO key is used to find out more information concerning the message. Values for the ceiling and floor may be any positive number less than 100,000 feet. Values may also be Unlimited, Ground, FL (Flight Level, followed by a number, such as, 050), Unknown, or NOTAM (Notice To Air Men).

Ceil: 8000’msl

Floor: 800’mslBrg 0080T 58.4nmSOON

This condition occurs when penetration of the airspace is within 10 minutes (or user-selected limit in System Mode)


This condition occurs when the airspace is less than 2 nm (or user-selected limit in System Mode, see page 11).

Within 2 nm ofSUNDANCE

