System Functions

3. Turn the SMALL knob to view the GPS Satellites Used for Position fixes page. SV means space vehicle, which is the same as a GPS satellite in this case.

GPS SVs for Fix 28, 31, 27, 26, 19, 07, 02, 18

4. Turn the SMALL knob again to view the GPS Satellite Status, Elevation, SNR, and Azimuth page. Continue turning the SMALL knob to view information about each available satellite.

SV31 Status srchEle 21° Sig 123Azimuth 043°￿Elevation (Ele)- The angle of a GPS satellite above the horizon.

￿Signal Strength (Sig) - The relative strength of the received signal from the satellite

￿Azimuth - an arc, as measured clockwise from magnetic or true north.Satellite Search Status￿SRCHReceiver is searching for the satellite￿ACQRreceiver is acquiring the signal￿TRCKreceiver has locked to the satellite’s data sequence￿DATAreceiver is locked and downloading data from the satelliteUntil data is received by the receiver, a display may look like the following:Third SatNotAvailable
