Waypoint Database

Bearing & distance from present position

Turn the SMALL knob to show the Bearing and Distance from your present position. An arrow shows the Relative Bearing to the waypoint from your present position.

ppos to SLE Bearing 341°² Distance 121nm

Airport frequencies

Turn the SMALL knob to view the available frequencies for the waypoint. In the GX60/65, the center three smart keys indicate the available frequencies. Press the smart key to load the indicated frequency into the Standby position.

SLE ATIS 124.55

UNIC 122.95

TWR 119.10

ILS Info

Turn the SMALL knob to view ILS runway information, when available. The waypoint identifier, ILS frequency, and runway are shown.


ILS 110.30

Runway 31

Identifier, type, & elevation

Turn the SMALL knob to view the airport type (public/private) and elevation.


elev 210ft
