Using the



Approach Examples

3.Point C - You will be prompted to enter the OBS DTK when you near the FAF. Select an OBS setting of 285° with the LARGE and SMALL knobs and then press ENTER to select an inbound course. Note that the CDI will be “reverse-sensing” just as it would when outbound from a VOR with the OBS set to the inbound course.

4.Point D - Make the procedure turn.

5.Point E - At the intercept of the inbound course to the FAF you will receive a course intercept message and sequencing will be automatically enabled.

The Apollo GPS may be used to identify waypoints that require DME distance information on an instrument approach by using the LOC-DME as a destination waypoint. The waypoint type is labeled “LOC-DME,” which stands for the Localizer-DME pair. Be careful when using this waypoint as the Localizer location and the DME location are often in separate locations. Also, the accuracy of the position of the DME waypoint depends on the accuracy of the information provided in the database. Your Apollo GPS will use the DME location as the waypoint. Do NOT use the DME location for course guidance. You cannot activate an approach to a LOC-DME waypoint, because it is not an airport.

You may use the LOC-DME waypoint as a guide to identify DME-defined points on your approach and as a distance reference point for a step-down approach. The distance value will be accurate, but the internal CDI will point to the DME antenna location, not necessarily the runway centerline. Use your Nav receiver for Localizer and Glideslope course guidance. Use your Apollo GPS for distance information to supplement your DME.

The LOC-DME will appear in its own category when you perform the emergency search function.
