Message Function

Set Barometer (GX50/60 Only)

When an approach is enabled, you are prompted to enter the local altimeter setting.


Local Altimeter

Setting 29.92in

No Valid Altitude Input for Approach (GX50/60 Only)

An approach is not valid unless an altitude value is available.

Abort Approach

No Valid

Altitude Input

Approach RAIM Unavailable (GX50/60 Only)

An approach is not valid unless RAIM is available.

Abort Approach


Not Available

RAIM Predict Too Late (GX50/60 Only)

When the RAIM prediction occurs too close to the FAF, the following message appears.

Abort Approach RAIM predict not completed by FAF

Lat/Lon Position Jump (GX50/60 Only)


Position Jump

Outputs Flagged
