System Functions

5. Turn the LARGE knob to move to the Month value. Turn the SMALL knob to choose the month.

Date: 24 APR 97

Time: 23:24 UTC

SEL to Reset

6. Turn the LARGE knob to move to the Year value. Turn the SMALL knob to choose the year.

Date: 24 APR 97

Time: 23:24 UTC

SEL to Reset

7. Turn the LARGE knob to move to the Time-Hours value. Turn the SMALL knob to choose the hours. Turn the LARGE knob to move to the Time-Minutes value. Turn the SMALL knob to choose the minutes.

Date: 24 APR 97

Time: 17:34 UTC

SEL to Reset


8. After completing your entries, press ENTER.


Software Version

The Software Version function provides version information about the Apollo software, serial number, database, GPS sensor, display software.

1. In the System Information section of the System function, turn the LARGE knob to reach Software Version page.

Apollo GX-seriesSW Vers X.X
SN: 1234567

