

Seed Position

Start Up Displays

This page shows the database name and expiration date. If the database has expired, press ENTER to continue.

Americas DB

Expires mm/dd/yy

Version: x.xx

Each time the Apollo GX is switched on, it must locate satellites in the sky to acquire signals before determining a position fix in a complex process involving lengthy mathematical operations. Without a seed position and the current UTC time and date, this process can take 10 minutes or more to complete. Enter a Seed Position to allow the receiver to quickly locate and track available satellites.


The seed position and current time only need to be entered the first time the receiver is switched on. This information is stored in memory and need not be entered again. If you move about three hundred miles without the Apollo GX turned on and tracking its position, reenter the seed position.

Entering a

Seed Position

After the start up tests, you will always have the choice of entering a Seed Position. The Seed Position is a starting reference point so the GPS receiver knows what satellites to look for. If a Seed Position has been previously entered, you do not need to select a new Present Position or a Reference Waypoint. If you do not make any selections, the Apollo GX will automatically progress into the Navigation function. You cannot enter a seed position in simulator mode.

1.The previous Seed Position will display with the choice of SEL to change the Seed Position or ENTER to accept the previous position. If you don’t do anything, the Apollo GX will continue normally. You can also
