blacklisted mail senders 33, 34 junk mail 14, 35, 36, 37
virus 34, 38
Firewall service, sending mail through 33 forwarding mail 78, 92, 129
groups, blind carbon copies 29
help, using 8 hosts. See servers
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) administrator access 85 authentication 65
enabling 29 log 86
mail quotas 40 overview 16 SSL transport 68 WebMail 61
incoming mail blocking 85 Dovecot 16 filtering messages 34 mail location 15, 79 message size limits 40 overview 16 protocols 16, 17, 29 security 67
setup 29, 30, 65, 66, 68
Sieve scripting support 39, 128, 129 undeliverable 28, 92
information page, mailing list 50
Internet Message Access Protocol. See IMAP Internet service provider. See ISP
IP addresses 19, 33
ISP (Internet service provider) 19, 21
junk mail screening connection control 32, 33, 34 filters 14, 35, 36, 37
log 86
open relay dangers 26 overview 34
Sieve scripting 129
Kerberos 64, 66
keychain services 69, 71, 72
list manager 50 logs 59, 86, 87
Mac OS X Server email aliases 77 moving mail messages 79
mail exchange. See MX
mail message, subscribing to lists by 55 mail servers, clustering 82
mail service access control 63 administrator 85 backups 81 connections 87 filtering messages 34 improving performance 91 logs 59, 86, 87
mail store 79, 80 management of 25 monitoring of 29, 86, 88, 89 network services 19, 21 preparation 20 protocols for 13, 16, 17 quota management 40, 41 reloading 84
resources 92, 93 restoring data 81 saving messages 29 security 67, 69, 71, 72 settings 22, 25, 26, 94 setup 12, 22, 23 starting 24, 83 statistics 89 stopping 81, 83
storage of mail 15, 79, 80, 81 undeliverable mail 89 users 22, 60, 77, 78
virtual hosting 73, 74 WebMail 17, 61
See also incoming mail, mailing lists, outgoing mail
Mail service starting 83 stopping 83
mail store 79, 80
mail transfer agent. See MTA mail user agent. See MUA mailing lists
administration of 50, 51 archiving 52, 53
overview 18