Managing Mail Quotas
Mail quotas define how much disk space a user’s mail can use on the mail server. Quotas are set on a
Mail quotas are especially important if the mail server hosts many IMAP accounts. IMAP doesn’t require mail to be removed from the server when read, so IMAP users who get large attachments can fill their quotas quickly.
Limiting Incoming Message Size
You can set a maximum size for incoming messages. The default is 10 MB. You might not want to allow large attachments that add to the message size.
To set a maximum incoming message size:
1In Server Admin, select a computer in the Servers list, then select Mail.
2Click Settings.
3Click the Quotas tab.
4Click the “Refuse messages larger than” checkbox and enter the number of megabytes you want to set as the limit.
5Click Save.
Enabling Mail Quotas for Users
You can enable limits to mail storage on server. This is especially important if you use IMAP for incoming messages because mail messages aren’t necessarily deleted when downloaded to the user.
You use Workgroup Manager to enable a user’s mail quota.
To enable a user’s mail quota:
1In Workgroup Manager, open the user account you want to work with, if it isn’t open.
To open the account, click the Accounts button, click the globe icon below the tool bar menu, and open the directory domain where the account resides. Click the lock to be authenticated. Select the user in the user list.
2Click the Mail tab.
If the user doesn’t have mail enabled, enable it now.
3Enter the number of MB for the user’s mail storage in the Mail Quota box.
4Click Save.
Chapter 2 Mail Service Setup