Using Mailing Lists with Mail Service
Mac OS X Server provides two types of mailing lists:
Mailman-Based Mailing Lists
Mac OS X Server uses Mailman for its traditional mailing list service.
Mailman is a mailing list service with support for
Users can subscribe and unsubscribe themselves, as well as change list preferences. List and site administrators can use the web interface for common tasks such as account management, approvals, moderation, and list configuration. The web interface requires that you have the Apache web server running.
You can access Mailman at www.yourdomain.com/mailman/listinfo.
Mailman receives mail from the local postfix process by configuring alias maps. Messages destined for a mail list are piped by the local process to Mailman processes. The mapping is provided in /var/mailman/data/aliases.
You can find more information about configuring and administering mail lists using Mailman at www.list.org and at /Library/Documentation/Services/mailman.
Mailing lists differ from workgroups in a few fundamental ways: ÂÂ Mailing lists aren’t linked to file or directory permissions.
ÂÂ Mailing lists can be administered by someone other than the workgroup or server administrator.
ÂÂ Mailing list subscribers do not need an account (mail or file access) on the list’s server. Any mail address can be added to the list.
ÂÂ Mailing list subscribers can often remove themselves from and add themselves to lists.
Wiki-Based Mailing Lists
ÂÂ Group members receive all messages sent to the group’s address. No subscription is required.
ÂÂ The recipients list is
ÂÂ The group administrator controls the membership of the group.
Chapter 1 Understanding Mail Service