Using Mail Service Tools
Mac OS X Server provides two primary applications and one primary
ÂÂ Server Admin: Use to start, stop, configure, maintain, and monitor Mail service when you install Mac OS X Server.
ÂÂ Workgroup Manager: Use to create user accounts for mail users and configure each user’s mail options.
ÂÂ serveradmin: Use to manage Mail service from the
Configuring DNS for Mail Service
Configuring DNS for Mail service entails enabling MX records with your DNS server. If you have an ISP that provides DNS service, contact the ISP so they can enable your MX records.
To enable MX records:
Follow these steps if you provide your own DNS service using Mac OS X Server.
1In Server Admin, choose a server, then select DNS.
2Click the Zones button in the toolbar.
3Select the zone that the MX record will be added to.
If there are no zones, create one. If the mail server does not have a machine record (A), add one. For more information, see Network Services Administration.
4Click the + button in the Mail Exchangers list.
5Enter the mail server’s hostname.
6Set a mail server precedence number.
Mail servers try to deliver mail at lower numbered mail servers first.
7Click OK to Save.
To set up multiple servers for redundancy, add MX records with different precedence numbers.
Chapter 2 Mail Service Setup