This is not the user’s login password. The master list password was set when mailing lists were enabled on the server. It was mailed to list administrators designated at that time.
3Change list settings as desired.
Designating a List Moderator
When you set up a list, you can designate another user to moderate the list.
To designate a list moderator:
1In Server Admin, select a computer in the Servers list, then select Mail.
2Click Settings.
3Select the Mailing Lists tab.
4Select the list that has the subscriber.
5Click the Edit (/) button under the Lists pane.
Hold down the Shift or Command key to select multiple subscribers.
6Select or deselect “User can administer the list” as necessary.
7Click OK.
Archiving a List’s Mail
Messages sent to a mailing list can be archived and viewed at a later time. The messages are grouped into archival volumes by time and date. You can choose whether a list’s archive is accessible by nonsubscribers, and how often the archives are updated.
By default, the archives are found at server.domain.tld/pipermail/listname.
You use the web interface to set mailing list archive preferences. Web services must be enabled to access the web interface.
To archive a list’s mail:
1In a web browser, enter the URL of the list administration page.
This is usually server.domain.tld/mailman/admin/listname.
2Enter the master list password.
This is not the user’s login password. The master list password was set when mailing lists were enabled on the server. It was mailed to list administrators designated at that time.
3Select “Archiving Options” from the Configuration Categories section.
4Select Yes next to “Archive messages?”
5Select whether the archive will be public or private.
6Select how often to start a new archive volume.
7Click Submit Your Changes.
Chapter 2 Mail Service Setup