closing 56, 65

converting to and from MS-DOS format 257–261

copying 65–66, 247 deleting 67–68, 247 getting information about 135 labels for 136

locating 128–129, 130–133locking and unlocking 118, 247 naming 127

opening 57–58, 65 opening automatically 140 organizing 125

program versus document 47–48RAM disk and 97

removing from System Folder 141 saving 53, 127, 247 straightening up 125 transferring 137

file servers 187, 188, 260

file sharing 184, 193–206. See also

access privileges; guests; networks access privileges for 195, 207–209ceasing to share a folder 196 changing ownership of a folder 191, 193,

203, 207

changing your password 191–192, 206

checking access privileges 211 copyright laws and 196 creating a shared folder 191 disconnecting someone from your

computer 205

giving away ownership of folders or disks 203

memory management and 155 monitoring 204

naming users and groups for 197–199passwords for registered users 198 preventing access to your disk 201–202reconnecting to shared disks 203 removing users or groups 202 selecting folders or disks to share


selecting users or groups for sharing 200–202

sharing your own files 193–196

taking back shared folders or disks 196 turning on guest access 194–195turning off 201–202, 203–204turning on 194

viewing names of group members 199 File Sharing icon 186

File Sharing Monitor 204–205file translators 257, 259 Find Again command 130 Find command 91, 130–133Find dialog box 130–133

Finder 57

changing appearance of windows in 152 checking memory use in 155, 225 Find command 91

keyboard shortcuts in 238 making active 54–56printing and 172

fixed-size (bitmap) fonts 177 floppy disk drive 9

inserting disks into 6, 15, 70 removing disk from 76, 120 restarting with 22 starting up with 117 troubleshooting 119, 120, 246, 247

floppy disks 47, 71

backing up contents of 119 capacities of 70, 71 caring for 75

copying contents of 74–75, 78–79, 119 double-sided 70, 71

ejecting 76, 120, 246 erasing 116

file sharing an 195 high-density 70, 71, 77, 246 initializing 72–73, 115, 247 initializing in MS-DOS format 257–258inserting 6, 15, 70

installing system software from 87–91

274 Index

Page 290
Image 290
Apple 145 manual 203, Finder, Changing your password 191-192, Copying contents of 74-75, 78-79, 119 double-sided 70