locking and unlocking 77, 117 obtaining 69

repairing 22, 119 restarting from 22

starting Macintosh Basics tour from 11–14

starting up from 91 transferring files with 137 troubleshooting 119, 120, 122–123,

246–247types of 70, 71 viruses and 93

folders 47, 126. See also file sharing; System Folder

access privileges to 208–209aliases for 128–129

Apple Menu Items folder 140 ceasing to share 196

changing ownership of 191, 193, 203, 207 creating and naming 126

locking 118 opening 75

opening higher-level folder windows 235 organizing files in 126

sharing 195–196, 251 Startup Items folder 92, 140 viewing contents of 236

Font menu 180

fonts 176–182

bitmap (fixed-size) 176–177displaying available 180 downloading to a printer 174, 178–179font families in suitcases 177, 178 installing 177

Key Caps program and 180, 254–255outline (scalable or variable-size) 176 PostScript 178–179

removing 141, 178 troubleshooting 174, 249 TrueType 176

types of 176–177in views 152

Fonts folder 176, 180 formats

date 145

file exchange 257–261number and currency 147 time 146

formatting. See initializing fragmented memory 155


General Controls panel adjusting blinking rate 151 changing background pattern 162–164setting time and date 143

Get Info command 95, 118, 135

graphics tablets 148

gray-scale documents, printing 173 groups, network. See registered group guests

access privileges of 187, 188, 194–195, 209

connecting to a shared disk as 188, 190 denying access to 201–202

folder ownership of 191

program linking and 213, 214, 215 registered groups and 199 removing from a group 202 turning on 194–195, 196


hard disk 47, 71. See also shared disks access privileges for 208–209backing up 119

battery consumption and 101, 104 capacity of 71

caring for 121

connecting to a printer 180 damage symptoms 113 deleting items from 67–68designating as startup disk 116 external 117

finding items on 130–133

Index 275

Page 291
Image 291
Apple 145 Locking and unlocking 77, 117 obtaining, Folders 47, 126. See also file sharing System Folder, Font menu Fonts