keyboard connecting
system diagram x troubleshooting 68
and wrist pain
keys, special
LaserWriter printers, troubleshooting 74
line input source, selecting 47 Look For button (Macintosh
Guide window) 21,
Macintosh basics
choosing 20 Huh? button 27 Index button 21,
tips for using 27 Topics button
Macintosh Shortcuts window
cleaning equipment
mathematical characters 122 memory
clearing 59
expanding with DRAM SIMMs 49 hard disk space as 55 insufficient 69
special Macintosh requirements 55 Memory control panel 69, 72
menu commands. See commands microphone icon 34 microphones
microprocessor, PowerPC ix modem, location of ports for 32, 33 Modern Memory Manager 72 moisture, avoiding 104, 106 monitor x
AudioVision model 76 brightness control 13, 61, 106 cleaning 103, 109 connecting
dark screen 61
glare on screen
power cord x, 4
preventing screen damage on 106 turning on automatically 10 types of 3
using a television 48 using second 77
monitor cable x connecting
monitor cord, plugging into computer 5 monitor ports
monitor power cord x connecting to monitor 4