Important ings to Know About Getting Reliable Results
Movement of the sensor support mount or excessive perspiration at the sensor insertion site due
to activities like vigorous exercise or bumping against objects may lead to poor adhesion of the support
mount to the skin and then cause the sensor to dislodge. If the sensor dislodges due to the sensor support
adhesive failing to adhere to the skin, you may get unreliable results or no results. e system may not
provide a warning in such circumstances. Choose the proper sensor insertion site when inserting the
sensor and prepare the site by following the instructions for site preparation.
If your results from the Continuous Monitoring mode seem erroneous, check and make sure
that the sensor has not dislodged. If you notice the sensor is dislodged from the skin, or if you see that the
adhesive on your overbandage or the sensor support mount is coming loose, discard the old sensor and
insert a new sensor.
Steps Do This
1. Decide what to do.
•Changeorremove your sensor. Go to Step 2.
•Insertyour senso r. Go to Step 4.

If you want to en

Customer Care: 1-866-597-5520

36 Section 5

Insert or Remove Your Sensor