About Glucose Alarms
Example of a High Glucose reshold Alarm -
e alarm sounds when the glucose level crosses
the preset threshold value.
In addition to alerting you of a high or low glucose condition, the system can also alert you
before you reach such a high or low glucose condition. ese alarms are called the projected
high and projected low glucose alarms. ey can be set at low, medium and high sensitivities
to alert you approximately 10, 20 or 30 minutes before your glucose levels reach the high or
low threshold values, assuming your glucose keeps changing at the same rate. You can turn all
glucose alarms ON or OFF. If the alarms are turned OFF, you will not get any alarms.
ese alarms are designed to help you take action as
soon as you are notied. Projected low and projected
high glucose alarms increase the overall ability to
detect a condition of low or high glucose. However,
they cannot be relied on exclusively for notication of
all low and high glucose conditions.
High and low glucose threshold alarms can detect
a low or high glucose condition more oen than
projected high and projected low glucose alarms (see
alarm performance under performance characteristics
for more information). erefore, do NOT turn o the
low and high glucose threshold alarms to rely just on
the projected high and projected low glucose alarms.
In order to get maximum notication of low and high
glucose conditions, use both the low and high glucose
threshold alarms AND the projected low and projected
high glucose alarms.
Example of a Low Glucose reshold Alarm -
e alarm sounds when the glucose level crosses
the preset threshold value.
Example of a Projected High Glucose Alarm - e
alarm sounds before the glucose level reaches the
preset threshold value.
Example of a Projected Low Glucose Alarm - e
alarm sounds before the glucose level reaches the
preset threshold value.
e FreeStyle Navigator® system is designed to alert you when your glucose levels reach preset
low or high values. ese values or ‘threshold values’ can be programmed in the receiver for
any individual. ese high and low glucose alarms or the threshold alarms are designed to
alert you when your glucose levels cross these threshold values.
Customer Care: 1-866-597-5520

68 Section 8

Set, Review, or Change the Alarm Settings

High Threshold

(180 mg/dL)

Low Threshold

(80 mg/dL)

High Threshold

(180 mg/dL)

Low Threshold

(80 mg/dL)