Steps Do This
7. Evaluate the test results.
Compare the test results displayed on the screen to the
range printed on the vial of test strips.
8. Check your work.
Result: Control solution test results displayed on the
receiver screen.
You have done this procedure correctly when:
o e results are within the normal control solution range.
o e used test strips have been discarded properly.
o e control solution tests are marked as control
solution tests.
END OF Section 4

If the result And en

•FallsWITHIN the
range. Go to Step 8.
•FallsOUTSIDE of
the range.
You’ve repeated
the test.
Call Customer Care.
You’ve NOT
repeated the test.
Repeat the test from Step 1 with a
NEW test strip.
•Isanerrormessage. Go to Section 10 on
77 – 115 mg/dL

Section 4 31

Perform a Control Solution Test

Glucose BG 08:30A
Yes No
Control Solution?