2 Managing the iPBridge
Default values are appropriate for most configurations, but may be modified for your needs using CLI commands or ATTO ExpressNAV.
ATTO iPBridge Services configures and tunes the iPBridge for many different environments and applications, updates the firmware, configures the addresses of the connected SCSI devices, monitors status and reports on hardware.
Communicate with the ATTO iPBridge through the GbE management port using ATTO ExpressNAV or Telnet or through the serial port using standard terminal emulation software.
ATTO ExpressNAV is the recommended management tool for the iPBridge
•Refer to Configuring the iPBridge on page 13 to set up ExpressNAV and Telnet.
•To use ExpressNAV, refer to ExpressNAV provides
•To use the Command Line Interface during a Telnet session or from the Advanced Page of ExpressNAV, refer to CLI provides
Any changes must be saved and will not take effect until the ATTO iPBridge is restarted.
Some completed configuration commands do not take effect until you have issued the saveConfiguration command. When this is the case, the Ready prompt will be followed by asterisk. You can issue the saveConfiguration command after each such configuration command or wait until you have entered all the parameters you wish to change.
Change default username, password
It is best practice to change the default username and password after you have configured your
iPBridge. If you do so, record the new username and password in a convenient place.
To change the default administrator password
1If you have not already, open an ExpressNAV session.
For instructions, refer to To open an ExpressNAV session on page 19.
2Click Bridge.
The Bridge Configuration page is displayed. The username that you are currently logged in with is displayed in the Username text box.
3Enter appropriate information into the Username, Current Password, Old Password, New Password, and Confirm Password text boxes.
The username is case insensitive and password is case sensitive.
4Click Submit.
5The username and password for all Telnet, FTP and ATTO ExpressNAV sessions is changed.
You may also set a read only password or a read only username. Refer to General use commands on page 25.
SCSI configuration
Default values are appropriate for most configurations, but may be modified for your needs using CLI commands. Refer to SCSI configuration commands on page 31 for more information.
You may change the InitID, the port bus speed, terminaton, sync transfers, type of transfers, performance speed and the way the ports respond to resets. You may also get information on these parameters, a list of SCSI ports and their time outs.
ATTO Technology Inc. iPBridge Installation and Operation Manual