RMON collects and stores Ethernet data on data ports at specified intervals. You can display the entire table requested, or a single entry based on the index (and sample index for the Ethernet History table).
Entries in the Ethernet History table are not valid when their Sample Index is 0.
Setting the history control entries take effect immediately, but changes must be saved to be persistent over a reboot.
Valid range for EthernetStat index:
Valid range for historyControl and EthernetHistory index:
Valid range for historyControl buckets requested: 1- 180
Valid range for historyControl interval:
Set syntax: set RMON idx bucketsRequest interval [valid invalid]
Get syntax for entire table: get RMON [ethernetStat historyControl] <idx>
Get syntax for single index entry: get RMON ethernetHistory <idx sampleIdx>
Displays a list of host protocol to SCSI address mappings on the bridge.If MultiTargetMode has been enabled, the
optional Target Name parameter limits the list to the maps which satisfy a search for the given target name. In either mode, the optional LUN parameter will limit the list to the map which satisfies a search for the given LUN.
NumEntries: decimal number of map lines displayed
Target Name: target name
Lun : target LUN
sb: decimal SCSI bus number
st: decimal SCSI target number
sl: decimal SCSI LUN number Immediate command, single target mode: RouteDisplay iSCSI <lun>
Immediate command, multiple target mode: RouteDisplay iSCSI <Target Name> <lun>
Returns a list of available SCSI ports and their current status
Immediate command: SCSIPortList
Returns a list of SCSI devices operational on the SCSI port.
Immediate command: SCSITargets 0
CLI Error Messages
The following error messages may be returned by the Command line Interface:
ERROR. Invalid Command. Type 'Help' | Usage: <usage string> |
for command list. | ERROR. Command Not Processed. |
ERROR. Wrong/Missing Parameters |
Incorrect entry Error message
including correct parameters as listed in Help
Correct entry
28 Configuration: CLI