--:- / cli-> cd system_tools
A prompt like the following appears at each level:
--:- system_tools cli->
NOTE: CLIcommands ar e case sensitive.
At any level, y ou can press Tab Tab at th e prompt to see the commands that can be en tered at
the current level.
---:- system_tools cli-><Tab><Tab>
batch_mode ls scp
cd opiepasswd shell
commit passwd show
echo pwd shutdown
exit quit upgrade_firmware
ftp reboot whoami
help restore_configuration wiz
hostname revert
list_configuration save_configuration
---:- system_tools cli->
Ify ou know the path, you can enter multip le path elements in a single command separated with
forward slashes (/).
--:- / cli-> cd ports/serial_ports/
--:- serial ports cli->
Enter cd .. to move up one level of t he navigation tree. Enter cd ../..[/..]to move up multiple
--:- serial ports cli-> cd ../..
--:- / cli->
Autocompleti on
Autocompletion allows you to type the first few letters of a command o r navigation o ption and
then press Tab. The rest of the name is filled in automati cally if the letters typed are uniq ue to
one command or to a navigation option at t hat level. If the l etters match more than on e of the
commands or navigation options for that lev el, the matching opt ions are listed.
For example, if you typ e cdacc and press Tab at the CLI prompt from the / level, the access
option will b e completed.
--:- / cli-> cd acc<Tab>
Chapter 1: Introduct ion, Navigatio n and Commands 5