Command Value or Description s
delete N/A
menutitle N/A
config network h ostSetting s
secipaddress <nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn>
secsubnetmask <nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn>
mtu N/A
config physical ports access
users/groups acceptsonlylist of usernames
authtype assumelocal
termshell <shellcommand>
logintimeout <logintimeoutin seconds>
config physical ports databu ffering
mode cir/lin
showmenu file/fileanderase/no/noerase/yes
syslogsize <recor d lengthin bytes[40-255]>
config physical ports general
pmsessions none/ssh/ssh_telnet/telnet
protocol bidirectionaltelnet,consoleraw, cslip,local,
rawsocket,slip,sshv1, sshv2, telnet
config physical ports multiuser
users acceptsonlylist of users
sniffmode in/inout/no/out
config physical ports other
SSHexitkey <SSH exit key>
banner <loginbanner>
host <host>
Appendices 55