Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-15
heartbeat server address address
show heartbeat server address
These commands allow you to specify or show the heartbeat server IP address. Beginning with Firmware
Version 8.5.1, the address can also be a DNS name of up to 63 characters.
heartbeat server url url
show heartbeat server url
These commands allow you to specify or show a heartbeat server URL.
heartbeat interval contact-email email_address
show heartbeat interval contact-email
These commands allow you to specify or show an email address to be placed into the heartbeat Xml payload.
heartbeat interval location location
show heartbeat interval location
These commands allow you to specify or show a location to be placed into the heartbeat Xml payload.
reset heartbeat
This command allows you to restart the heartbeat sequence.
Tiered Configuration Access Commands
superuser name password
show superuser
no superuser
These commands allow you to create, show, or delete a Superuser. You can only configure a Superuser if no
authorized users exist. There can be but one Superuser. The Superuser can change any attributes of any user,
including itself. However, even the Superuser cannot see what the password for a user is – the show command
will display 5 asterisks regardless of its actual length.
Tiered Configuration Access Commands
superuser name password
show superuser
no superuser
user name password [ { wan | lan | cp | nat | pvc | global | subnet | voice | no-web | no-telnet }*]
show user
no user name