Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-99
Scheduled Connections Configuration Commands
schedule id enable ( yes no ) schedule id frequency ( weekly once )
schedule id type (
schedule id cp cp_name
schedule id date ( sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday weekdays weekends everyday )
schedule id start time HH:MM ( am pm )
schedule id enable ( yes no )
This command allows you to enable or disable the specified Scheduled Connection.
schedule id frequency ( weekly once )
This command allows you to specify whether the Scheduled Connection is to be invoked weekly or only once.
schedule id type (
This command allows you to specify the Scheduled Connection type:
■periodic – the connection is retried several times during the scheduled time.
First, it will wait 0 to 60 seconds before starting, then it will try three times to bring the connection up as quickly as possible;
Second, on each successive retry after these first three attempts it will wait a random number of seconds between zero and a
Should the connection come up, and subsequently go down, the Scheduled Connection will start over with three retries. Switched connections have a variable redial