2-100 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
schedule id periodic interval ( 15min | 30min | 1hour | 2hour | 3hour | 4hour | 4hour | 8hour )
If you specify periodic, this command allows you to specify for how long the system will retry to bring up the
schedule id random interval { xxx }
If you specify random-retry, this command allows you to set the upper limit for the number of minutes to use for
the retry time (the attempts after the first three attempts). It accepts values of 1 – 255 minutes; the default
setting is 5 minutes. With a setting of 5 minutes it will try every 0 – 300 seconds after the first three retries to
bring up the connection.
schedule id cp cp_name
This command allows you to specify the Connection Profile to be used by this Scheduled Connection to connect.
schedule id date ( sunday | monday | tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday | weekdays |
weekends | everyday )
This command allows you to specify which days of the week the Scheduled Connection will be invoked.
schedule id start time HH:MM ( am | pm )
This command allows you to set the starting time, and whether AM or PM, for the specified Scheduled
Connection. You must enter the time in the format HH:MM, where HH is a one- or two-digit number representing
the hour and MM is a one- or two-digit number representing the minutes. The colon is mandatory. For example,
the entry 1:3 (or 1:03) would be accepted as 3 minutes after one o’clock. The entry 7:0 (or 7:00) would be
accepted as seven o’clock, exactly. The entries 44, :5, and 2: would be rejected.
Default Profile Configuration Commands
dp ip dhcp client mode { standard | copper-mountain | cmn }
show ip dhcp client mode
These commands allow you to set or show the router’s Default Profile DHCP mode, whether standard, cop-
per-mountain, or cmn.
The default profile, and IP configuration structures include a dhcp client mode setting that selects between the
standard RFC 2131 standards-based mode of operation (the default), and the copper-mountain or cmn
proprietary mode of operation.
Default Profile Configuration Commands
dp ip dhcp client mode { standard | copper-mountain | cmn }
show ip dhcp client mode