Motorola Netopia® Router Text Configuration Upload
Chapter 4
Motorola Netopia® Router Text Configuration Upload
This chapter describes the supported TFTP text configuration upload process.
TFTP Text Configuration Upload Overview
You can configure many of the basic features of the router by uploading a
The file must be located on a TFTP Server. The Motorola Netopia® router needs the IP Address or DNS Name of the TFTP Server in order to start the file upload. There are at least three ways to accomplish this:
■VT100 Menu Console (Serial or Telnet)
■VT100 Command Line Console (Serial or Telnet)
The supported character set for TFTP text configuration files is the set of
Note: All commands, including the last, must be followed by an appropriate
Three SNMP objects are associated with TFTP text configuration upload. They are tftpServerName, tftpConfigFileName, and tftpReadConfig. All three objects are defined in the Netopia MIB. Refer to this document found on the Netopia ftp site for more information.
VT100 Menu Console
The path to the TFTP menu is:
Utilities &
Trivial File
Transfer Protocol
You will need to set the TFTP Server Name (IP address or domain name) and the Config File Name, and then invoke the transfer using GET CONFIG FROM SERVER.