2-44 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
show interface
These commands allow you to display statistics for the specified interface, including receive frames, octets, and errors, and transmit frames, octets, and errors. For switched ISDN interfaces, the statistics are broken down by channel.
show interface wan id status
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.
This command allows you to view the general status of the WAN. It displays:
■Interface type
■MAC address
■IP Address
■Status (Down, Activating, or Connected)
interface wan 0 tracking { yes no }
Restricted WAN Interface configuration commands
interface { adsl ethernet isdn sdsl } id pppoe enable { yes no } no interface { adsl ethernet isdn sdsl } id pppoe enable
show interface { adsl ethernet isdn sdsl } id pppoe enable
These commands allow you enable, disable, or show the PPP over Ethernet behavior of the specified interface.
interface { adsl sdsl } id pvc { id tag } { yes no }
This command allows you to enable or disable a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) on the specified ADSL or SDSL interface.
interface { adsl sdsl } id pvc { id tag } pcr num show interface { adsl sdsl } id pvc { id tag } pcr
These commands allow you to assign or show a Peak Cell Rate value (PCR) on a specified Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) on an ADSL or SDSL interface.
Motorola Netopia® routers support two ATM classes of service for data connections: Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) and Constant Bit Rate (CBR). You can configure these classes of service on a per VC basis. The default ATM class of service is UBR for data. The ATM class of service is not configurable for voice virtual circuits.