3-28 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
Note: The key is a hexadecimal entry of 16 bytes (32 characters of input) for md5 and 20 bytes (40 characters of input) for sha1. It is not possible to retrieve the encryption keys or authentication key once they have been set.
cp { name index } ipsec encryption key 1234567890123456 [1234567890123456 1234567890123456 ]
This command allows you to specify the authentication key for an IPsec tunnel. You must specify an authentication key if the authentication type is anything other than None. The key must be an ASCII string of up to 48 characters for both md5 and sha1.
Note: For DES the key is one group of 16 hexadecimal characters; for 3DES the key is three groups of 16 hexadecimal characters each.