Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands
preferences console timeout seconds no preferences console timeout show preferences console timeout
These commands control the
The command:
no preferences console timeout
is equivalent to:
preferences console timeout 0
preferences console timeout 300
preferences date format { mm/dd/yy dd/mm/yy yy/mm/dd } show preferences date format
These commands allow you to set or display your date formatting preferences for the router’s system clock.
preferences output format { terse verbose } show preferences output format
The preferences output format command affects the format of the output from show commands. When set to verbose (the default), the output from show commands is formatted as a valid command line interface command that could be entered at a command prompt. When set to terse, the output from show commands is not formatted as a valid command line interface command that could be entered at a command prompt, but rather includes only the value of the requested attribute. The terse mode may be more useful if the output will be processed by a computer rather than a human being.
#preferences output format verbose #show interface ethernet 0 ip address interface ethernet 0 ip address #preferences output format terse
#show interface ethernet 0 ip address