2-28 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start date date
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start date
These commands allow you to set or show a start date for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start time time
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start time
These commands allow you to set or show a start time for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end date date
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end date
These commands allow you to set or show an end date for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified
interface. The acceptable year range is from 1904 – 2039.
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end time time
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end time
These commands allow you to set or show an end time for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified
interface ethernet id rip auth key id end time mode { infinite | date }
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end time mode
These commands allow you to set or show the end time mode for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the
specified interface. date specifies that an expiration date and time will be used; infinite specifies that the key
will never expire.
interface ethernet id rip auth key id key <string>
These commands allow you to assign a RIP-2 Authentication key. Keys must be manually entered and must
consist of 1 – 16 ASCII characters each.
interface ethernet id pppoe enable { yes | no }
no interface ethernet id pppoe enable
show interface ethernet id pppoe enable
These commands allow you enable, disable, or show the PPP over Ethernet behavior of the specified interface.
show interface ethernet id statistics
show interface ethernet id stats
These commands allow you to display statistics for the specified Ethernet interface, including receive frames,
octets, and errors, and transmit frames, octets, and errors.