Logical Printers
Section 3 Logical Printers
The print server has a powerful facility for altering the print data. This means that your desired print format can be realized on any type of printer. The following actions can be invoked from the print server:
•The character set can be changed to suit the printer
•Strings can be added before and after the print data
•Strings within the print data can be substituted
•ASCII to PostScript conversion
•Redirection of print data to another printer if the printer is busy
•Hex Dump mode to assist with printing problems
If any of these actions are required, a Logical Printer is used to change the print data before being sent to the printer port. There are eight logical printers (PR1- PR8) that can be set up to filter the print data.
The default logical printers settings are such that
Logical Printer | Changes to data |
PR1 | no change |
PR2 | no change |
PR3 | no change |
PR4 | no change |
PR5 | add CR to LF |
PR6 | add CR to LF |
PR7 | add CR to LF |
PR8 | add CR to LF |
Each logical printer can be set via the print server’s internal Web pages: Open a Web browser, enter the IP address of the print server in the Location/Address field and select Admin Logical Printers.
The logical printers can also be set up by editing the config file. See “Editing the config File” on page 100.
•The examples in this section describe how you can configure the available logical printers using a standard Web browser. If you want to set them directly by editing the config file, just enter the values for the corresponding parameters.
•The examples should only be viewed as suggestions how to configure the logical printers. You should, of course, configure them according to the needs of your network.
•In the Parameter List chapter of this manual, you can find a complete list of the print server’s parameters.
AXIS 540+/AXIS 560 | 95 |