Logical Printers
Adding Strings Before These string functions provide a way to send printer control commands before and After Print Jobs and after each print job. They may be specified individually for each logical
printer. All strings are entered as hexadecimal byte values.
Assume that the logical printer PR5 is configured as a PostScript printer and that you want to append the PostScript End of File character (hex 04) after each print job.
Follow the instructions below to add a string after the print job:
1.From the print server’s internal Web page, select Admin Logical
2.Select the PR5 tab.
3.Enter the string 04 in the String After Print Job text field.
4.Click the OK button.
You have an HP LaserJet printer with dual trays, and want to print on
(hex 1B 26 6C 34 48).
Follow the instructions below to add strings before and after the print job:
1.From the print server’s internal Web page, select Admin Logical
2.Select the PR4 tab.
3.Enter the string 1B 26 6C 31 48 in the String Before Print Job text field.
4.Enter the string 1B 26 6C 34 48 in the String After Print Job text field.
5.Click the OK button.
String Substitutions The string substitution function performs search and replace operations on the print data. The primary application is to replace printer control commands. Up to twenty string substitutions may be specified individually for each logical printer.
All strings must be entered as hexadecimal byte values, and each match and substitute string must be preceded by a count byte.
You substitute command strings by editing the String Substitutions (PRx_STR.) parameter.
Assume that you want to replace the UNIX/Linux New Line (hex 0A) with an Carriage
Return/Line Feed (hex 0D 0A) for logical printer PR1.
AXIS 540+/AXIS 560 | 97 |