42 en Camera | Camera Browser Interface |
Switch the audio and audio output On or Off.
Adust the level with the slider.
Select G.711, L16 or AAC* as the audio Recording format.
The audio signals are sent in a separate data stream parallel to the video data, and so increase the network load. The audio data requires an additional bandwidth of approximately
80 kbps to 640 Kbps, depending on type of audio compression selected, for each connection. If you do not want any audio data to be transmitted, select Off.
* AAC audio technology is licensed by Fraunhofer IIS.
8.5Pixel Counter
An area can be defined to count pixels.
1.Place the cursor on the border of the shaded box and drag to resize the area.
2.Place the cursor inside the shaded box and drag to change its position.
3.Click Freeze to stop updates of the live image.
The number of pixels inside the selected area is displayed for streams 1 and 2.
Software manual | Bosch Security Systems |