96 en Operation | VideoJet X10 SN |
The time bar offers various options for navigation.
Red bars indicate the points in time where alarms were triggered. Drag the green arrow to navigate to these points quickly.
1.You can change the time interval by clicking the zoom keys (magnifying glass icons). The display can span a range from two months to a few seconds.
2.Drag the green arrow to the point in time at which playback should begin. The date and time display below the bar provides orientation to the second.
You can control playback by means of the buttons below the video image. The buttons have the following functions:
Start or pause playback
Jump to the start of the active video sequence or to the previous sequence
Jump to the start of the next video sequence
Slide Control
You can use the slide control to control playback speed.
In addition, you can set markers in the sequences,
Jump to the previous bookmark
Set bookmark
Jump to the following bookmark
i Bookmarks are only valid while you are in the RECORDINGS page; they are not saved with the sequences. As soon as you leave the page all bookmarks are deleted.
Trick Mode
If you are using a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can view recordings frame by frame in trick mode. To do this, place the mouse cursor in the timeline below the timescale and turn the scroll wheel. Playback is automatically stopped (paused) during scrolling. Trick mode requires
DOC V4.0 2009.06 | Installation and Operating Manual | Bosch Security Systems |