

This user’s guide contains descriptive information and operational instructions for the Brady 200M and 260M thermal transfer demand printers.

This user’s guide contains information on how to set up and operate the printer as well as adjustment and maintenance procedures that can be performed by the operator. Information covering the use and operation of Brady M-Series Printer options is also included.

Additional documentation for the Brady M-Series Printer is available.

The ZPL II® Programming Guide.

The two-volume Maintenance Manual:

Volume 1: General Maintenance contains the information you will need to maintain your printer.

Volume 2: Circuit Descriptions and Electrical Schematics contains the information you will need to repair the circuit boards at the component level.

Model Designation

Labels located inside the media compartment above the frame support at the rear of the M-Series Printer include both the serial number and model designation. If you need to contact our technical support staff for assistance, please have both the model designation a nd se ria l numbe r ava ilable so that we may help you mor e ef ficiently.

System Overview

The M-Series Printer, when connected to an appropriate ASCII data source, functions as a complete label, ticket, and tag printing system. Customer-supplied asynchronous modems may be used to connect remote hosts to the M-Series Printer.
