Options |
The following Bitmap Smooth Fonts (supplied in bold style only) are presently available:
CG Triumvirate™ Bold, CG Triumvirate™ Bold Condensed, Futura™ Bold, Univers® Bold, CG Times™ Bold and CG Palacio™ Bold (Type sizes of 6pt, 8pt, 10pt, 12pt, 14pt, 18pt, 24pt, 30pt, 36pt are available.)
Examples of these Optional Fonts can be found in Appendix D.Your Brady
512 KB DRAM Memory Expansion
This option increases the printer’s dynamic memory capacity from 1/2 MB to 1 MB. This supports longer label lengths and provides more capacity for downloadable fonts and large graphic image files. Extra memory may be installed at the factory or in the field.
Optional 152