Brother X-3 Threading the Machine, Заправка Нитей В Машину, Puolaaminen, Bobinado de la canilla

Models: X-3

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Winding the Bobbin

1.Place the spool of thread on the spool pin and pass the thread around the bobbin winding tension disc.

1 Bobbin winding tension disc

2 Bobbin winder

2.Pass the end of the thread through the hole in the bobbin from the inside.

3.Place the bobbin onto the bobbin winding shaft and slide the shaft to the right. Turn the bobbin clockwise, by hand, until the spring on the shaft slides into the slit on the bobbin.

3 Spring

4 Slit

4.While holding the end of the thread, gently press on the foot con- troller to wind the thread around the bobbin a few times, then stop the machine.

5.Trim the excess thread sticking out from the top of the bobbin and continue winding the thread onto the bobbin by pressing down on the foot controller.


The machine stops automatically when the bobbin is full.

6.When the machine stops, cut the thread between bobbin and spool, push the shaft to the left and remove the full bobbin from the shaft.


Although the needle bar does not move when the bobbin winding shaft is slid toward the bobbin presser, the balance wheel will con- tinue to turn. Therefore, do not touch the balance wheel while the bobbin is being wound.



1.Aseta lankarulla lankarullan pidikkeeseen ja vie lanka puolauksen kiristyslevyn ympäri.

1 Puolauksen kiristyslevy

2 Puolauslaite

2.Pujota langan pää sisäkautta puolassa olevan reiän läpi.

3.Aseta puola puolaustappiin ja siirrä tappi oikealle. Pyöritä puolaa käsin myötäpäivään, kunnes tapissa oleva jousi liukuu puolan uraan.

3 Jousi

4 Ura

4.Pidä kiinni puolan reiästä tulevasta langanpäästä ja paina jalkasäädintä kevyesti kiertääksesi muutaman kierroksen lankaa puolan ympärille. Pysäytä sitten kone.

5.Katkaise ylimääräinen langanpää puolan päältä ja jatka langan kier- tämistä puolan ympärille painamalla jalkasäädintä.


Kone pysähtyy automaattisesti, kun puola on täynnä.

6.Leikkaa koneen pysähdyttyä lanka poikki puolan ja lankarullan välistä, työnnä tappi vasemmalle ja ota täyteen puolattu puola pois tapista.


Vaikka neulatanko ei pääsekään liikkumaan puolaustapin ollessa työnnettynä oikealle, käsipyörä pääsee pyörimään vapaasti. Varo siis koskemasta käsipyörään puolauksen aikana.



Bobinado de la canilla

1.Coloque un carrete de hilo en el portacarretes y pase el hilo por el disco de tensión de bobinado de la canilla.

1 Disco de tensión de bobinado de la canilla 2 Bobinado de la canilla

2.Pase el extremo del hilo por el orificio de la canilla desde el inte- rior.

3.Coloque la canilla en el eje de bobinado y deslice dicho eje hacia la derecha. Gire la canilla con la mano en el sentido de las mani- llas de un reloj, hasta que el muelle impulsor del eje se deslice dentro de la ranura de la canilla.

3 Muelle

4 Ranura

4.Sujetando el extremo del hilo, presione suavemente el pedal para que el hilo efectúe un par de vueltas alrededor de la canilla y pare la máquina.

5.Deshaga el exceso de hilo arriba de la canilla. Siga bobinando el hilo en la canilla presionando el pedal.


La máquina se para automáticamente cuando la canilla está llena.

6.Cuando la máquina se pare, corte el hilo entre la canilla y el ca- rrete, empuje el eje hacia la izquierda y retire la canilla llena del eje.


Aunque la barra de la aguja no se desplace cuando el eje de bobinado de la canilla se deslice hacia el apretador de la cani- lla, la ruedecilla va a seguir girando y no puede tocarse mien- tras la canilla esté bobinando.



Намотка шпульки

1.Установите катушку с нитью на стержень и проведите нить вокруг натяжного диска для намотки шпульки.

1 Натяжной диск для намотки шпульки

2 Устройство намотки шпульки

2.Проденьте конец нити через отверстие в шпульке изнутри.

3.Установите шпульку на вал устройства намотки и отведите вал вправо. Поворачивайте шпульку рукой по часовой стрелке, пока пружина на валу не войдет в паз шпульки.

3 Пружина

4 Паз

4.Удерживая конец нити, слегка нажмите на педаль, чтобы несколько раз намотать нить на шпульку, затем остановите машину.

5.Обрежьте конец нити, торчащий из шпульки сверху, и продолжите намотку намотку нити на шпульку, нажав на педаль.


Как только шпулька заполнится, машина автоматически останавливается.

6.После остановки машины обрежьте нить между шпулькой и катушкой, сдвиньте вал влево и снимите с него полную шпульку.


При подведении вала намоточного устройства к прижиму игловодитель не движется, но маховик продолжает вращаться. Поэтому во время намотки шпульки к маховику прикасаться нельзя.


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Brother X-3 manual Threading the Machine, Заправка Нитей В Машину, Puolaaminen, Bobinado de la canilla

X-3 specifications

The Brother X-3 is a remarkable piece of technology that redefines the expectations of modern sewing machines. Designed for both amateur and professional users, it seamlessly blends functionality with user-friendly features. One of the most significant aspects of the Brother X-3 is its advanced sewing capabilities, making it ideal for various sewing projects, including quilting, garment construction, and home décor.

At the heart of the Brother X-3 lies its robust and dependable motor that provides exceptional sewing speed and reliability. The machine can reach speeds of up to 850 stitches per minute, ensuring that users can complete their projects efficiently. This high-speed performance is complemented by the large work area, allowing for the management of larger fabrics and intricate designs with ease.

The Brother X-3 incorporates an array of built-in stitches, providing users with over 100 unique stitch patterns, including utility stitches, decorative stitches, and quilting stitches. This extensive variety enables users to experiment with their creativity while producing professional-quality finishes. Additionally, the machine features an automatic needle threader, which simplifies the sewing process by quickly threading the needle in seconds.

One of the standout technologies in the Brother X-3 is its LCD display, which provides a clear and intuitive interface for users. This screen allows for easy selection of stitch patterns, adjustments of stitch length and width, and even provides on-screen tutorials, making it accessible for beginners. The machine also boasts an automatic one-step buttonhole function, ensuring precision and consistency in creating buttonholes and enhancing garment durability.

Another remarkable characteristic of the Brother X-3 is its versatility. It comes equipped with a variety of accessory feet that cater to different sewing needs, such as quilting, zippers, and appliqué. Users can effortlessly switch between these feet, allowing for the execution of diverse sewing techniques.

In terms of portability and convenience, the Brother X-3 is lightweight and comes with a sturdy carrying case, making it easy to transport for classes or sewing groups. Its compact design does not compromise on workspace, thanks to the extension table that provides additional support for larger projects.

Overall, the Brother X-3 stands out as a cutting-edge sewing machine that merges technology, creativity, and ease of use, making it an ideal choice for sewists of all skill levels. Whether you are a beginner learning the ropes or an experienced sewist tackling intricate designs, the Brother X-3 is equipped to meet your sewing needs with precision and flair.